Monday, September 22, 2008

Gold, in the end, never cheats you

Indian women know that gold will never cheat them!

They know! In deze tijden waarin beloftes zelden nog worden waargemaakt. Papieren beloftes, loze beloftes, you name it. De tijd van "pacta sunt servanda" ligt een eind achter ons. Het komt ooit wel weer terug maar eerst moet " all the bad shit of all the dirty people" opgekuist en verwijderd worden. Dit zal tijd vergen.

Indian women know it all! Klassevrouwen!

  • The gold given to a bride is known as "streedhan," or "woman's wealth."
  • "It's a necessity to own gold if you're a woman,"
  • In the countryside, where the banking system is still poorly developed, gold rules as a medium of financial exchange and secure savings vehicle.

Lang leve het platteland. The comeback of the countryside!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.